What’s new about urotherapy? Written by Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink, Jens Larsson, Gundela Holmdahl, and Anju Goyal, Urotherapy Book: a case-based approach has been conceived to help in the diffusion of the knowledge and practice of urotherapy and the understanding of the functional mechanisms of lower urinary tract dysfunctions.
Despite being the first-line treatment for functional bladder and bowel problems, urotherapy is not so widely utilized yet. The treatment is non-invasive and focuses on re-education and rehabilitation for bladder and bowel management.
The webbook contains proven steps and strategies on how to correctly apply the principles of urotherapy. Using clinical cases, the authors aim to present the realities of practice and to facilitate urotherapists (including nurses and physiotherapists) to master essential
information on bladder and bowel problems, diagnostics, and therapeutic tools including biofeedback, behavioral interventions, and pharmacologic therapy.
Each of the 5 cases presents the story of a child with one or several bladder and/or bowel conditions. The cases cover school-age children with different backgrounds and conditions of functional bladder disturbances, like constipation, overactive bladder, dysfunctional voiding, giggle incontinence, underactive bladder and bedwetting, as well as a variety of aspects of urotherapy assessment, diagnosis, and intervention. It contains hyperlinks providing useable materials, such as a bladder diary, drawings, explanations, and training instructions.
The webbook will be translated into Spanish soon.
Access: http://i-c-c-s.org/e-learning/