Workshop on voiding dysfunctions for pediatricians

Date: October 13th, 2023


Type of event: Physical


Venue: Hotel ITC Sonar, JBS Haldane Avenue, Tangra, Kolkata, West Bengal


Programme: Voiding Dysfunction for Pediatricians




Target audience: Pediatrician, Pediatric Nephrologist, Pediatric Surgeon/ Urologist, Pediatric Physiotherapist


Programme highlights: A comprehensive yet lucid take on Voiding Dysfunctions in children which we face routinely in our daily practices. The aim is to have a practical knowledge of the basics and patho-physiology of various voiding dysfunctions in childhood followed by a case-based interactive session with different case scenarios. the programme stresses on Enuresis and role of Pediatric Pelvic Physiotherapy


See the preliminary programme below:


  Time Speaker Chair Person
Welcome message and Pre Test  8:30 – 9:00
Basics of applied bladder physiology and pharmacology


20+10 min

9:00 TO 9:30

Dr Jyoti Sharma


Diagnostic tools – URODYNAMICS – invasive and non-invasive


20+10 min

9:30 TO 10:00

Dr Madhuri Kanitkar


Functional bladder problems – Clinical types – ICCS Terminology


20+10 min

10:00 TO 10:30

Dr Poonam Guha Vaze


Organic bladder problems – PUV, Neurogenic


20+10 min

10:30 TO 11:00

Dr Subhasis Saha


20+10 min

11:00 TO 11:30

Dr Kanav Anand


Bladder Bowel Cross-talk 15+5 min

11:30 TO 11:50

Dr. Subal Pradhan
Tea Break 20 min

11:50 TO 12:10

Management tools – urotherapy, pharmacotherapy


30+10 min

12:10 TO 12:50

Dr Konstantinos Kamperis
Other indispensable tools:

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, Biofeedback, ENS

30+10 min

12:50 to 13:30

Dr Bieke Samijn
Lunch break 13.30 – 14:00
Practice session starts: How to proceed 14:00 – 14:15


Dr Subhasis Saha and Dr Poonam Guha Vaze
Case based workshop (with 10 minutes snacks break in between) 14:15 to 17:00
Case Scenarios Station A

What to elicit in history?

Station B

What investigations to order?

Station C

How to interpret the investigations?

Station D

Management and follow up plan


Urinary incontinence


Dysfunctional voiding

Genital/ pelvic pain

Neurogenic Bladder


All the delegates and faculties to be arranged into four groups – each group to move through the 4 stations for the different case scenarios
Dr Madhuri Kanitkar

Dr Jayati Sengupta

Dr Soumya Tewari

Dr Subal Pradhan

Dr Rana Saha        Dr Shakil Akhtar

Dr Kanav Anand


Dr Jyoti Sharma

Dr Sudha Ekembram

Dr Subhasis Saha

Dr Biplab Maji


Dr Anindya Chattopadhyay

Dr Konstantinos Kamperis

Final remarks / Post Test 17:00



 Dr. Subhasis Saha & Dr Poonam Guha Vaze

 Dr. Jayati Sengupta & Dr Shakil Akhtar


Objectives of the workshop:

  • At the end of first half participants will have a clear overview of the pathophysiology and management of several common bladder related problems in children.


  • At the end of Second half participants will learn to manage bladder bowel disorders faced in office practice through case-based scenarios and management protocols.


Target Audience:

General Pediatricians

Pediatric Nephrologist

Pediatric Surgeons / Pediatric Urologist


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