Annual Congress in Louisville, Kentucky

Dear ICCS members,

We are excited to welcome you to the joint ICCS, Societies of Pediatric Urology (SPU), and Pediatric Urologic Nurses and Specialists (PUNS) Annual Congress in Louisville, Kentucky, USA from September 12th (Wednesday) to September 14th (Saturday).  The program for the congress will soon be posted on our website and the SPU Fall Congress website ( 

Housing is now available at a discounted rate at the Louisville Marriott Downtown, which is also the venue for the conference (  Please note that you must use this website for the discount rate and reserve your room before August 12th.

Additionally, please use the SPU Fall Congress website to register or try this direct website (  Non-urologist physicians can register as Allied Health Profession, and there are discounted rates for residents and fellows); please make sure to check off that you are an ICCS member during the registration process.

Several program highlights include:

Thursday Sept 12th will see the ICCS join with PUNS for several sessions including panels on “The other side of CIC: How patients and families adjust to the new reality” and “Long term concerns for patients with … LUT dysfunction, anorectal malformation, bladder exstrophy, post-renal transplant, and neuromuscular disorders.”  In the afternoon, a panel composed of members of ICCS, SPU, and PUNS will discuss care of the patient with posterior urethral valves across the pediatric lifespan from newborn to young adulthood.

Friday Sept 13th is a joint day between ICCS and SPU and will feature abstract sessions on non-neurogenic and neurogenic LUT dysfunction, as well as a provocative panel on neuromodulation for refractory non-neurogenic overactive bladder. Perhaps the highlight of the day will be the AAP Lattimer Lecture in the afternoon given by CK Yeung – this is not to be missed!  Additionally, the afternoon will see a joint ICCS and PUNS “Advanced Urodynamics Course” which has separate registration (please email if you are interested in attending).  Friday evening will be the ICCS banquet – more information to follow.

Lastly, Saturday Sept 14th will focus on ICCS independent programming which includes several abstract sessions and panels on “Innovation and Technology in BBD”, “Nocturnal enuresis – beyond DDAVP”, and “Atypical daytime incontinence” with talks on giggle incontinence, stress/exercise induced incontinence, recurrent UTIs, and challenges with urotherapy in children with ADHD.  Highlighting this final day of the congress will be the not to be missed Kelm Hjalmas Memorial Lecture given by Dr. Anne Wright!  For travel planning, the day will end at 3:45pm EST to facilitate travel home before the start of the new week.

If you are staying to Sunday, please join us at the SPU Banquet on Saturday evening which take place at Churchill Downs, the site of the famous Kentucky Derby.

We are excited to see you soon in Louisville, if you have any questions or issues with registration please email Jason Van Batavia (

ICCS Executive Board

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