
President: Dr. Konstantinos Kamperis

Dept of Pediatrics
Skejby Sygehus
Aarhus University Hospital
8200 Aarhus N, Denmark


General Secretary: Dr. Ubirajara Barroso

Professor and Chairman, Department of Urology Federal University of Bahia – Brazil
Associate Professor Bahiana School of Medicine
Coordinator of Fellowship Program in Pediatric Urology Federal University of Bahia – Brazil
Coordinator of Center for Bladder dysfunction in children (CEDIMI): Bahiana School of Medicine


Board Member: Yoshiyuki Ohtomo, MD & PhD

Associate Professor & Head of the Department,
Department of Pediatrics, Juntendo University Nerima Hospital
3-1-10 Takanodai, Nerima, Tokyo 177-0033, Japan

Board member: Dr. Michał Maternik

Department of Pediatrics, Nephrology and Hypertension Medical University of Gdansk

Ex Officio Board member; Chairman of the Educational Committee: Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink

Head Urotherapy
Wilhemina’s Childrens Hospital
University Medical Center Utrecht
Correspondence 00.004.0
PO BOX 85090
3508 AB UTRECHT, The Netherlands
T +31 (0)88 75 54111

Jason Van Batavia

Board member: Jason Van Batavia

University of Pennsylvania

Treasurer: Dr. Stacy Tanaka

Professor of Urology, Chief of Pediatric Urology University of Alabama at Birmingham

Board member: Dr. Bieke Samijn

Physical therapist, specialized in pelvic floor muscle training and urotherapy. Postdoctoral researcher and teacher assistant at the Physical therapy Department of the Ghent University and urotherapist at the Urology Department of the Ghent University Hospital

Ex Officio Board member; Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Søren Rittig

Dept of Pediatrics
Skejby Sygehus
Aarhus University Hospital
8200 Aarhus N, Denmark

Board member: Dr. Jianguo Wen

Professor, Head of Pediatric Urodynamic Center, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University China Chair of Paediatric Urodynamic Group of Chinese Medical Association Vice-Chairman of Chinese Pediatric Surgeon Association
President's Message

Dear ICCS member

It has been a while since our last communication, and I really hope that you enjoyed your summer/winter depending on where you reside.

Konstantinos Kamperis MD, PhD

President, International Children’s Continence Society
Associate Professor of pediatrics, Consultant in Pediatric Nephrology

Aarhus, Danmark